Police beat: An unexpected delivery, a stolen bike, dorm disputes and a parking ticket

Alex Bowman, Police Reporter

Did Pacific Sun deliver a pair of jeans or a piece of rusty metal?

On Aug. 28, UNFPD was dispatched to The Flats in response to a call about a theft.

Upon arrival, the officer met with the victim who stated that she had left her apartment at approximately 1 p.m. and returned at approximately 2 p.m. When she returned, she saw an Amazon package addressed to her that had been opened sitting in front of her apartment door. The victim looked inside the package and noticed a piece of rusty metal.

The victim said the package was from Pacific Sun and contained a pair of blue jeans.

Investigation demonstrated the suspect(s) had opened the package, removed the jeans, replaced them with the small piece of rusty metal, then fled the scene.

Following the victim’s statement, the immediate area was searched. Officers were able to speak to two other residents of The Flats, but unfortunately, neither of them were able to provide any information about the incident. Additionally, there was no surveillance camera footage of the incident.

Bikes locks are worth investing in

On Aug. 26, UNFPD responded to a call reporting a stolen bike. Upon arrival, the officer talked with the victim who said her bike had been stolen from a bike rack behind The Fountains. She had left her bike there Thursday, Aug. 22 before heading out of town “in a hurry” and was unsure if she had locked it to the rack prior to leaving. Upon returning, she didn’t notice if her bike was at the rack or not.

The following day, the victim was going to the gym and was planning to ride her bike when she noticed her bike was missing. The victim said she didn’t immediately call UNFPD because she was going to look around on campus while walking to and from classes.

After meeting with the victim, the officer requested surveillance footage in order to follow up on the incident. The video footage revealed a white male in his early 20s, with short, light colored hair, medium build, wearing a white t-shirt, dark shorts, and tennis shoes take the victim’s bike from the rack. According to the police report, the suspect rode the bike toward UNF Drive and the crosswalk going to Osprey Hall.

On Aug. 28, the officer was dispatched to the Student Wellness Center to meet with the victim who had found her bike on one of the racks on her way to workout.

Will a dispute among student residents and an RA escalate?

On Aug. 22, UNFPD was dispatched to The Landing due to a dispute among student-residents and a Resident Assistant. The dispute was over a noise complaint. Furthermore, the occupants of the room were not allowing their RA into the room per nightly rounds. Because the occupants wouldn’t allow the RA into their room, a Resident Life Coordinator was called, and a student conduct report was filled out.

The following day, a witness said she saw a group of four standing at a bulletin board located near the site of the previous night’s incident. The witness said she saw one of the occupants involved in the previous night’s dispute taking down flyers from the bulletin board that was apparently decorated by the RA involved in the incident.

While taking down flyers was the farthest the situation escalated, the RA said she expects incidents with this particular occupant to escalate over time.

More than just a Parking Services ticket…

On Aug. 21, a UNFPD officer was dispatched to lot 18 for a stolen tag registered to a green 1997 Honda car. The owner of the car said he had returned to his vehicle to find a notice from UNF Parking Services on his windshield stating the car didn’t have a parking permit. The owner of the vehicle checked and discovered his tag, FL 2348YM, was missing and had been replaced with another tag, LCWY30. The owner then contacted UNFPD.

Dispatch ran the LCWY30 tag and confirmed the tag as well as the vehicle it was registered to had been stolen. Following this, UNFPD reported the information to JSO.

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