Need a Lyft to your next job? Lyft’s new program aims to help you get there

Erik Feliciano and Courtney Green

If you’re having trouble getting to your next job interview or are having problems getting to work, Lyft has just announced their new Jobs Access Program for over 35 cities, including Jacksonville.

The aim is to close short term transportation gaps for employment and job training.

In a recent study by the Quarterly Journal of Economics, commuting times were found to be the biggest factor in escaping poverty. According to a study by Lyft, 44% of Lyft rides start and end in low income areas. In Jacksonville specifically, 35% of rides or end in low income areas.

The program would give a chance to people in these areas to get employment.  

“For the unemployed, reliable transportation to a job interview or to the first few weeks of work can mean the difference between successful, long-term employment and lost opportunities,” Lyft said in a statement.   

The program will focus on three key elements in employment: 1) rides to and from job interviews, 2) rides to and from training programs, 3) and rides to and from the first three weeks of employment.

UNF Sophomore Caitlin McManus thinks this is a great idea.

“Considering the homeless and poverty issue in Jacksonville, I think this will be an excellent resource for those who need it. Jacksonville is a huge city that isn’t easily walkable and doesn’t have strong public transportation (that I know of) so I think this offer will be extremely beneficial,” she said.

Senior Michael Davis had concerns for drivers.

“Let me save on gas money, fam,” he initially said. “But really though, is Lyft going to make up the time the drivers spend driving people for free in those three weeks? It’ll be a bad program for the drivers if they don’t.”

According to a statement on the Lyft blog, Lyft is partnering with Goodwill, United Way, and the USO “in order to deliver free or discounted rides to people making their way through the employment pipeline.”


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