UNF Names William F. “Chip” Klostermeyer as College of Computing, Engineering & Construction Dean
April 10, 2020
UNF has named William F. “Chip” Klostermeyer as dean of the College of Computing, Engineering & Construction, according to a UNF Marketing email on April 10.

Klostermeyer has served as interim dean of the college since October 2018 after the previous CCEC dean Mark Tumeo resigned following a “consensual sex act” that took place on campus.

“Mark Tumeo, dean of the College of Computing, Engineering and Construction, has resigned effective immediately,” according to a Special Edition Osprey Update.
“Chip has done a remarkable job advancing the College of Computing, Engineering & Construction and the University is fortunate to have him continue to lead and serve as dean,” said UNF President David Szymanski in an email announcing Klostermeyer’s appointment. “His established relationships with faculty, staff and students will allow the college to continue to provide exciting and engaging degree programs and hands-on technical education for our students.”
Klostermeyer has been a member of the Osprey community since 2001. According to his faculty bio, he is a graph theorist and has published over 100 papers on graph theory, discrete mathematics, and graphs and combinatorics.
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