Howard the Duck is not among the fallen; petition to rename Commons circulates
July 14, 2020
Yesterday afternoon, news broke of a mysterious duck virus afflicting UNF ducks at The Flats. One of the earliest and most logical concerns of many students was the fate of UNF’s own Howard the Duck.
The University said in a statement to Spinnaker:
“Our beloved Howard the Duck has not been identified as one of the fallen and the entire UNF community looks forward to seeing him once we are allowed to safely return to campus.”
It should be a great relief to everyone that Howard is safe and sound.

In other news about our favorite waterfowl friend, a petition has been made to President Szymanski, wherein some students are requesting that the name of the Osprey Commons building, also known as the cafeteria, be changed to the “Howard Commons” in honor of the feathered icon.
It’s nice to see the possibility of Howard getting more “official” recognition from the University, but only time and signatures will tell if President Szymanski will abide.
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