Bubble concerts: the newest way to enjoy live music
November 4, 2020
If you’re missing the sound of blaring music and live shows, you’re in luck. Bubble concerts might be something to look forward to in your future.
Earlier this week, the band “The Flaming Lips” released a music video of one of their concerts. While you’d think that this is no big deal, there’s a catch—everyone is in a bubble.
While using a bubble is a hallmark for the frontman Wayne Coyne, the band decided to add a bit extra to their stage show to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As a result all of the band members as well as every member of the audience were encased in separate bubbles. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Bubble Boy” with Jake Gyllenhaal, then that’s all you’ll need to picture.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Coyne went into great detail of how the band would have the audience members line up outside the venue to get inside their bubbles.
So if you’re really missing the atmosphere of going to a live show and hearing the screams of the crowds and the amazing music, this could be a trend that other artists and bands decide to do to get people back into live shows.
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