Generation review
March 18, 2021
“Generation” is a new HBO Max original show that premiered on March 11, streaming three episodes. The comedy-drama follows a cast of high school students exploring the modern world.
The cast of “Generation” features Chloe East, Lukita Maxwell, Haley Sanchez, Nathanya Alexander, and Uly Schesinger. The first three episodes consist of teen pregnancy, sexuality, and finding one’s purpose in life.

“Generation” has many LGBTQIA+ characters throughout the plot and script. HBO Max keeps an open mind to LGBTQIA+ stories and will continue to make genuine content that viewers can relate to. The conversations in “Generation” are appealing and engaging to its audience because of the conversations’ emphasis on finding true happiness and love within ourselves. I’m excited to see HBO Max continue producing LGBTQIA+ media and content.

HBO Max will stream a new episode of “Generation” every Thursday. The series has a slow pace, but I think the show will continue to reveal how the characters try to present themselves to the world versus who they really are. So far, I would give the series a 5 out of 5 stars.
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