SG-elects to be sworn in today; Finalized SG election results announced
April 15, 2021

Following the completion of all Judicial hearings, the Senate approved the election results in a meeting last week on April 9. All those listed within the bill are set to be sworn in this Thursday, April 15, to officially begin their terms of office.

The first page of the legislation, shown above, presents the election results of the Spring 2021 Election. For the office of President/Vice President, of the 1,227 votes, Besirevic held 548, Saunders held 531, and Richter held 148.
The second page of the legislation, shown below, went on to list the percentage of votes for each senate candidate in a similar fashion. Once validated, the “Student Senate and all duly elected representatives shall be installed expeditiously in accordance with Article V, Section 8 of the Student Government Constitution,” states the bill.

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