Student Government Treasurer gives an inside look on SG scholarships
September 17, 2021
On Aug. 23, Student Government (SG) proudly announced they will be giving $68,500 in scholarships to students via the SG Scholarship Fund. Since this announcement, SG has advertised this opportunity through emails, signs, and social media. The application deadline is approaching swiftly, but there is still time to apply. Students have until Monday, Sep. 20 at 5pm to complete and submit applications.
In an interview with Spinnaker, SG Treasurer Mikhaela Alforque passionately explained the importance of SG scholarships hoping more students will apply as the deadline draws closer.
When asked about the main goal of the scholarships, Treasurer Alforque responded: “The main goal for the scholarships is to be able to assist our Osprey community for their education and ensure they can be successful when it comes to pursuing their career.”
SG scholarships are not new at UNF, and SG has made sure students know about this opportunity this year. The $68,5000 comes from an annual fund set up by UNF using investments and allocated money.
After referencing the hardships of 2020, Treasurer Alforque emphasized the scholarships are to help students: “We just want to do our best to help out our students in any way possible. And that’s what we want our scholarships to do.”
Some may see the scholarships as restrictive due to specific requirements, but the SG Scholarship Committee wants to make sure the money will help students who need it the most. “We definitely want to make sure the right applicant receives the scholarship,” Alforque said.
The SG Scholarship Committee will review the applications. The committee is made up of members of SG as well as professional staff members.
According to Treasurer Alforque, a good number of students have applied so far, but SG hopes more will see this opportunity, especially those who qualify.
The scholarships are competitive and decentralized. Most scholarships have specific qualifications.
Competitive scholarships will be reviewed by the SG Scholarship Committee and will be allocated and distributed by SG. Most of these scholarships require specific eligibility, a letter of recommendation, a resume, and an essay. In total, there will be 35 recipients.
Decentralized scholarships will be allocated by SG and distributed by specific departments. The departments distributing scholarships include the Military and Veterans Resource Center, Student Accessibility Services, International Center, Office of the Vice President of Student and International Affairs, UNF Preschool, and Women’s Center.
Selected applicants will be mailed a letter sometime in November. Students can email with any further questions.
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