UNF Psychology Department announces ‘Science Café’ Library workshop
November 2, 2021
The UNF Department of Psychology, Department of Biology, and the Thomas G. Carpenter Library presents Science Café through Zoom this Friday, Nov. 5, at 12 p.m. The workshop focuses on increasing the conversations scientists have with the public. In this effort, Science Cafe invites everyone to take a deeper look into complex topics such as culture, politics, and health.
This week, the workshop is presented by the Director of UNF Behavioral Neuroscience Program Dr. Katherine Hooper. Dr. Hooper is a psychology professor at UNF who lectures courses such as Behavioral Neuroscience, Psychopharmacology, and Research Methods. She works with students in the lab using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Lab (fNIRS) which is a noninvasive imaging technique that monitors certain changes within the brain.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, “One of the primary advantages of fNIRS is that it allows us to identify cortical responses to a wide range of stimuli in awake, processing infants prior to extensive social, educational, and environmental influences.”
While the goal of this week’s workshop is to encourage more conversation between experts and the public, Dr. Hooper will also give a presentation on the behavioral neuroscience program and the fNIRS lab.
For more information about the event click here.
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