UNF reports 178 cases last week
January 24, 2022
Closing out the second week of the semester, the University of North Florida reported a total of 178 positive cases, a slight decrease from the previous seven days. Three weeks into the new year, the total number of cases at the university is now 491.
This past week, 29 employees and 149 students, 47 of which live on-campus and 102 live off-campus, were reported as testing positive between Jan. 14 and Jan. 20.
Florida’s current positive COVID-19 cases currently amount to 289,204 with 14,604 of them originating from Duval county, according to data released by Florida Health on Monday.

UNF’s current policy for isolation and student protection remains the same.
“For those who test positive for COVID-19, isolate for five days from the onset of symptoms or from the date of the positive test result if no symptoms. Day 0 is the day of onset of symptoms or date of positive test result if no symptoms. After Day 5, if fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement of symptoms, resume work/classes and wear a mask for five more days,” as written on the Student Health Services website. Follow the reporting of COVID-19 cases at UNF here.
Spinnaker will continue to follow COVID-19 cases at UNF.
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