Police Beat: N-word found written in dust on UNF freshman’s car

Carter Mudgett, Editor in Chief

A University of North Florida freshman found the n-word, “gay” and multiple genitalia handwritten in dust and dirt on their car on Tuesday, according to a police report. 

The student told UPD that they’d parked their car in Lot 11 two days prior but found the drawings when they returned, the police report read. 

“[The student] does not know who or why anyone would scribe the obscenities on [their] vehicle,” the report said. 

There was no vandalism or damage to the student’s vehicle and there was no “viable camera footage” in the area where the car was parked, according to the police report. 

The student was told to contact UPD if they had any more information or if it happened again but “patrol efforts are suspended” for this incident, the report said.


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