What to know and what’s changing about UNF’s graduation
April 26, 2023
It’s graduation season and finals week will be over before we know it. Here’s what to know and what to expect for the University of North Florida’s graduation next week.
Leading up to the event, the biggest question among students and family surrounds the issue of tickets. The number of tickets is solely based on graduation participation and how many graduates are expected to walk. Spring term consistently has a larger graduating class, keeping the ticket limit to five or six tickets.
This year, students are allotted five tickets for the undergraduate ceremony. Colin McKinney, UNF’s commencement coordinator, recommends that each student claim all of their tickets, even if they don’t need them. Through Marching Order, the website used for all things graduation, students can then send their tickets to any email address.
However, this needs to be communicated between students, as commencement has stated that they have already expanded the seating options available and cannot give out any extra tickets.
The master’s and doctoral students were allotted 10 tickets this semester. This is only the second year of having a dedicated graduate program ceremony separate from the undergraduates, allowing for more space for family.
When the big day rolls around, have your family and friends arrive early. McKinney stressed that being early is better than being locked out of the ceremony.
Doors will open an hour before each ceremony and will be closed ten minutes before they begin. Traffic will be crazy as there are several events going on the same day on campus. Friday is also still a work day for the city of Jacksonville, so friends and family will be battling the workflow and graduation traffic on the way.
“The main thing that we are pushing is that people arrive early,” McKinney said. “The earlier people show up, the earlier we can get them in.”

With graduation at the beginning of the Florida summer (weather permitting) it will be hot. Staying comfortable and hydrated is key to having a fun day. McKinney stressed wearing comfortable clothing, as the regalia is very hot. The ceremony is indoors, but with massive crowds, it will still be warm.
This day will be all about the graduates, McKinney said. It is important to have fun and be proud of all of your accomplishments.
Arrive early, be sure your party has tickets, and most importantly, enjoy the ceremony.
More information can be found on Facebook and Twitter on the account UNF Graduation. Video of the Town Hall meeting from Thursday will also be available to graduating students and families looking for more information.
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