The University of North Florida’s Chamber Singers shared an exclusive preview with select audience members of their performance on Oct. 18 in the UNF Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Center for their upcoming concert this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

Conducted by Director of Choral Studies Cara Tasher, the Chamber Singers consists of soprano, alto, tenor and bass singers. For this performance, a cellist and percussionist were also featured.
The performance featured six parts of the program which lasted a total of 25 minutes long.
In one of the pieces, some choir members walked out into the audience to sing and add to their performance.
At the end of the performance, Tasher asked the audience members for feedback on what they thought of the preview performance and how it could be improved.
To Choral Manager and soprano singer Cerissa Salameda, the pieces were about “exploring the true nature of humanity and inspiring others to acknowledge everyone’s experiences.”
Salameda, a senior studying public health at UNF, was involved with UNF’s Treble Choir for three years but now is a member of the Chamber Singers.
“Tonight went amazing, we all needed it as leaders and as singers. Our audience needed to hear our message as well,” said Salameda. “It was a great opportunity to experience the program and emotion with a live audience and connect with live humans.”
Salameda enjoys being a part of the group to explore new music outside of her comfort zone.
The Chamber Singers ensemble is a soprano, alto, tenor and bass choir that, according to Salameda, performs “challenging and exciting pieces of music from around the world.”
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