Students had the opportunity to voice their opinions today over carrying guns on campus during general elections, and dialogue was already heating up in front of the library polling station today.
At the polling station, two students approached and asked Senate Pro Tempore Dallas Burke’s position of whether guns should be allowed on college campuses. Burke firmly stated his stance against having guns on campus, and the conversation shifted over topics ranging from psychosis to the shootings in Oregon and at FSU.
“For the record, I am all for having the right to own firearms legally, but I feel there is a difference with bringing them on campus,” Burke said. “I feel like students are constantly under a lot of stress, and it’s not a good environment for this.”
This plebiscite, which is a direct vote by eligible voters who decide on an important public question, asks students whether they are in support, opposition or are neutral on allowing guns on college campuses.
Those results would be forwarded to the next general Senate meeting, requiring Student Government (SG) to open the floor for dialogue on how to proceed with the findings of the plebiscite.
The vote today is non-binding, which means that aside from holding a public discussion, SG is not required to take further action with the findings. Students are encouraged to attend that meeting.
In addition to the gun plebiscite, two constitutional referendums are also on the ballot.
A revision to Article IV of the SG constitution asks students to vote on whether the judicial branch should be allowed to remove a member of the Supreme Court based on excessive absence points. The points would be assessed based on missing SG meetings or parking appeals, as stated on the ballot.
Students will also have an opportunity to vote on the “Binding Responsibility and Adherence to Democracy Act,” which would solidify the elections commissioner position as an independent office.
Polls will be open again tomorrow in front of the Student Union and Thomas G. Carpenter Library from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Students can also vote at any time online by clicking the “Student Voting” link in their MyWings account until Wednesday at 7 p.m.
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