Police Beat: Stolen Wallet and Cell Phone

Samantha Chaney


Wallet Lifted While Lifting

A student met with officials at UNFPD on Dec. 3 to report a stolen wallet.

According to the police report, the student had been exercising at the UNF fitness center. The student reportedly placed all of his personal belongings in a locker with a lock provided by the center.

After completing his workout, the student said he returned to the locker, placed his belongings on a nearby bench, and left the items unattended as he used the restroom.

The student then reportedly noticed his wallet was missing as he packed his belongings back into his backpack. The student told officials he asked around to see if any other students had witnessed anything, but the only nearby person said that he did not.

According to the police report, the wallet contained various debit cards, I.D. cards, and $40.

At the time, there are no suspects for the case. Police are still investigating and are currently attempting to locate any available video footage of the area.


Wiped Out

UNFPD was dispatched to The Flats on Dec. 5 regarding a stolen cell phone valued to be around $1,100.

The UNF student told officials he had gone to his boyfriend’s apartment to have dinner and watch TV before they left to go to the gas station. According to the police report, the student had left his cell phone on the kitchen counter prior to leaving the residence. The front door was reportedly left unlocked due to a roommate being present at the time.

When he returned, the student and his boyfriend said they were unable to locate the cell phone. The student said he contacted T-Mobile to report the phone as missing and requested to suspend services.

According to officials, the student called T-Mobile again the next morning and was informed by a representative that the phone had been wiped and reset, so it could no longer be tracked.

The cell phone was described in the police report as a gray Apple iPhone 8 Plus in a clear case with a pink outline.

The case has been suspended due to lack of suspect information.


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