SG: First senate meeting of the semester leads to many announcements
January 14, 2018
The first senate meeting of the spring semester was held on Friday, Jan. 12 to review reports from committees, the different government branches, and other acting members of SG.
Osprey Productions (OP) Director Rachel Bryant, appeared before Senate to discuss OP progress, as well as to announce her resignation. Bryant’s last day in office will be Jan. 26. Bryant said SG has helped her grow and learn, and the decision to leave was “not made lightly.” She thanked the SG staff for their hard work, dedication, and support.
Concerning OP itself, Bryant said a new logo has been created and two homecoming forums will be held on Jan. 17 and 18.
Elections Commissioner Aesha Soliman then spoke to Senate, saying that the elections season will begin on Jan. 23. Soliman also stated that due to the upcoming elections, the application process for the position of Deputy Elections Commissioner will be closing. However, anyone interested in the job can still contact her to apply.
Chief Justice Jocelyne Vasquez announced that she hoped to hire a new Deputy Chief Justice during the week of Jan. 15. She also said there are currently four vacancies in the Judicial Branch. According to Vasquez, “Four vacancies is a lot,” because there are only nine justices in the Judicial Branch. Anyone can apply.
Treasurer Christopher Jordan and Student Body President Thomas Beaucham talked about the importance of groups doing their own fundraising in addition to requesting funds from SG. Jordan mentioned this helps build leaders, character, confidence, and shows an effort to contribute.

Student Body President Thomas Beaucham addresses Senate
“Fundraising is more than just a means that we can use to make resources go further,” stated Jordan.
The topic of fundraising was the result of Beaucham vetoing a funding request made by a group called The Awakening. The group recently attended Faithwalkers in Asheville, North Carolina from Dec. 28 to Dec. 30. The Awakening requested 100% funding from SG.
Beaucham believed this “set a horrible precedent” for funding other groups. He amended the bill to allocate $835.00 instead of the original $1,546.00, and it was approved unanimously.
Gloria Turner then spoke to Senate for the first time as the acting VP. Turner said there will be a full week of events dedicated to mental health awareness from Jan. 22-26. On Jan. 22, SG will be tabling in the Student Union and giving out buttons and stress relieving foam brains to squeeze. The products will bear the slogan “Kind to my mind”.
Other events that SG will be hosting in honor of mental health will be tabling on the topic of art therapy on Jan. 23, an open house at the counseling center on Jan. 24, and a get together on Jan. 26 at the Women’s Center.
Beaucham said there will be continual events throughout the month, as “mental health is an ongoing issue.” He also mentioned that a big decision is coming up with the search for a new university President, as President Delaney’s term ends at the end of the semester.
Beaucham continued, saying that an open forum will be held on Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballrooms. The forum will take place to hear the voice of the students and to announce any updates concerning the last open forum, which covered diversity, safety on campus, mental health, and a possible new skate park. Anyone can attend.
Lastly, two groups appeared before Senate for Special Request funding. William Meuller, with the Ceramics Guild, said the group is requesting $1,890.00 to have three individuals speak at a two-day workshop at UNF. The workshop, which will take place in the Fine Arts Center (Bldg. 45) on Feb. 20 and 21, will give students the opportunity to learn more about different ceramic techniques. Heather Kite then spoke on behalf of Club Sports Games, requesting $1,500.00 to hire a part-time certified sports trainer. According to Kite, the trainer will be hired for the purpose of increasing health and safety in club sports. Both requests were approved.
The next Senate meeting will take place on Jan. 26. Committee meetings will be held on Jan. 19.
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