Police Beat: Lost phone, a summer camp fight and a car dispute
June 20, 2018

One Man’s Trash, Another Man’s Treasure
UNFPD was dispatched to Campus Maintenance in Bldg. 64 on June 11 in response to a report of a lost cell phone.
According to the police report, the complainant had last seen his cell phone on June 9 when he was at his church around 9:00 a.m. He also told officials he believed he had placed his cell phone in his left front pocket, though he discovered it was not in his pocket at around 4:00 p.m. that day.
The complainant reportedly believes he may have thrown his cell phone in the trash earlier that day by mistake after finishing a snack.
The police report describes the cell phone as a black AT&T flip phone valued at around $50.
The report is currently closed unless the complainant can provide more information on the cell phone.
Summer Camp Fight
On June 15, UNFPD responded to a report of a disturbance located at the UNF Arena.
Upon arrival, officials met with the mother of a summer camp attendee who was reportedly battered by another girl attending the same summer camp.
The police report states the victim had been getting picked on by the suspect and the suspect’s friends throughout the day. That afternoon, the girls were all reportedly in the Arena bathroom when the suspect began to again talk about the victim. The victim told officials she was washing her hands at the time and accidentally splashed the suspect and her friends with water when she turned around.
According to the report, the suspect then grabbed the victim by the hair, knocked her to the ground and struck her across the back of her head and her leg.
When asked by officials, the suspect claimed to have been made fun of by the victim and her friends throughout the day, reportedly calling her “trash” and telling her she lived in a trash can.
The suspect also said earlier in the day she had unintentionally knocked into the victim with a backpack, and she had followed the victim into the bathroom in order to apologize and avoid getting in trouble.
The report states the suspect admitted to grabbing the victim by the hair and shoving her to the ground.
Officials will be conducting a follow-up with the State Attorney’s Office.
A Bumpy Ride
A UNFPD police officer was going southbound on UNF Dr. when he was waved down by a woman standing in the grass on the shoulder of the road.
According to the police report, the woman told the officer her boyfriend had just kicked her out of his vehicle and thrown her crutches onto the grass next to her before driving away. The woman reportedly had been shoved out of the vehicle, hurting her arm. The officer noticed a red mark on her upper left arm, the report states.
The woman said she did not want to get her boyfriend in trouble and her boyfriend reportedly called her phone while she was still conversing with the officer.
The police report states the officer spoke to her boyfriend on the phone. The officer reportedly asked the boyfriend what had happened during the altercation, to which the boyfriend said, “I kicked her fucking ass out of the fucking truck,” “she wanted to get out of the truck, so I let her out of the fucking truck,” and “she is fucking crazy and I am fucking done with her.”
The boyfriend reportedly told the officer he never laid his hand on the woman to make her exit and that he had let her out of the vehicle because she demanded to be let out.
According to the report, the officer asked the boyfriend to return to the location, at which point he refused. The officer then reportedly attempted to confirm his identity and the boyfriend hung up.
The report states the woman contacted her roommate to pick her up and agreed to let the officer drop her off at the Gate Gas Station just south of I-295. The officer reportedly witnessed the woman being picked up by her roommate.
Due to lack of evidence and conflicting statements between the victim and the suspect, and the victim not wanting to pursue charges against the suspect, the case has been exceptionally cleared.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.