President Szymanski calls for campus unity in Special Osprey Update

Sam Chaney, News Editor

President David Szymanski attempted to maintain a positive disposition as he confirmed on Wednesday, June 26 that UNF is one of three public Florida universities to receive the lowest state metric scores. Such a ranking is indicated by the Florida Board of Governors’ 10 performance-based metrics.

“The results are clearly disappointing,” Szymanski admitted in the Update. “They do, however, point out our collective need to take new and innovative steps to improve our scores. This will include a renewed emphasis on creating excellence in regard to student success.”

While the outcome was expected, Szymanski took the opportunity to re-affirm the importance of every unit within the University.

More than anything, Szymanski emphasized the need for the entire University to operate as a team in order to gather a variety of ideas in the interests of the students. According to Szymanski, it is only by mutual cooperation and unity among students, faculty and the various campus offices that UNF can achieve its goals and promote a diverse academic culture.

Szymanski also stated in the Update that, by improving UNF’s metric scores, the University may become eligible to receive additional funding for a variety of academic purposes. In this regard, he reportedly believes that improved metrics will only add to UNF’s pre-existing strengths.

“The metrics are important to our future and yet they will not tell the entire UNF story,” Szymanski affirmed. “We have many intrinsic strengths and an ever-increasing number of marks of success that make UNF a university of choice and a valuable regional asset. Improved metrics will, however, add to this remarkable story.”

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