Over 2000 students vote in SG poll about updated alcohol policy; 87 percent disagree with the policy
October 2, 2018
The University and Student Affairs Committee released detailed results of the special Osprey Voice regarding the University’s new alcohol policy. As previously reported, the turnout for the Student Government survey exceeded the total turnout for the SG election in the Spring but the detailed results show that 87.53 percent of students polled disagree with the University’s new alcohol policy.
The Osprey Voice also asked about students’ feelings regarding safety at tailgates. Approximately, 89 percent of students who responded stated that they felt safe at tailgates. Finally, 85 percent expressed that they would attend tailgates with proper safety procedures in place.

The University’s alcohol policy was updated four days into the fall semester and banned the sale and consumption of alcohol for any student events. It also banned alcohol from most of the campus dorms, parking lots and parking garages. The updated policy has eliminated the annual Ozzie’s Oktoberfest, which had been a tradition dating back to the founding of the University in 1972. The policy has also canceled the more recent tradition of tailgating prior to campus sporting events, like basketball and soccer.

The University and Student Affairs Committee and the SG Executive branch worked together to formally gather the opinions of students, will be presented to University President David Szymanski and the Board of Trustees on Oct. 11.
According to Student Advocate Madison Brantley, “the reason behind the second Osprey Voice this month is because [Student Body President Jenne Dupilka] will be making a presentation to the Board of Trustees. She wanted documented results showing how students felt about the new alcohol policy.”
“This is one-eighth of the student body. This is more than I had really ever expected from Osprey Voice. I just didn’t think it would happen like this. The first day by 5 p.m., there was already 1,000 voices, which blew my mind because I had never seen more than 400 responses,” Committee Chairwoman Delaney Kwatkosky expressed. “I’m so proud of all of us!”
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Marino Kosorcic • Oct 3, 2018 at 11:47 pm
Never underestimate the effect of alcohol on the human psyche. Benjamin Franklin once observed while serving as the Colonel for the Pennsylania Militia that his troops would only attend sermon if he bribed them with some sweet Rum. They reported regularly and always punctually.