SDS releases list of demands, UNF responds
November 10, 2021
(Editor’s Note: SDS has met UNF Administration)
Following up on their Black Lives Matter Rally last month, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) released a list of demands to the UNF Administration.
In collaboration with Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and Students United for Workers’ Advocacy (SUWA), Their letter advocates for increased enrollment of African-American students, a heavier response to COVID-19, and more.

Spinnaker reached out to UNF directly for a response to their letter, and received this statement:
“The University is committed to fostering a safe campus for our students and all members of the Osprey community. The administration has received the list of demands provided by Students for a Democratic Society, in collaboration with Students United for Workers’ Advocacy and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. Interim President Chally has invited student representatives from the groups to an upcoming meeting to hear their concerns and overall perceptions of the University. Insights learned will be shared with key University administrative staff”
Spinnaker also reached out independently to the Department of Housing and Residence Life to hear their thoughts about implementing access to Narcan into their training program. Narcan is a drug that reverses Opioid overdoses and would be added to Resident Assistants (RA) training.
“Housing and Residence Life is open to continuing to discuss the possibility of Narcan being available in residential areas of campus and Housing and Residence Life student staff receiving additional (or expanded) safety training.”
SDS has made quite a large list of demands, but the University is seemingly committed to taking student input on these issues. It may take some time for any immediate changes, however. View their full letter here.
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