Lot-14 walk-way reopened after hiccup with fallen tree
July 19, 2022
The University of North Florida (UNF) issued a Safe Ospreys notification Monday morning, around 8:30 a.m, alerting Ospreys that the Lot 14 boardwalk was closed for the day because a fallen tree had blocked the walkway.
UPD was seen leaving the area, and the tree was gone by the time Spinnaker arrived.
The Lot 14 walkway has been closed for months due to its construction, so students either had to park in Lot 18 or walk a detour along Eco Road and UNF Drive. But as promised, the walkway from Lot 14 is now open again, with a fresh new bridge open just in time for the Fall semester.

The bridge is nearly identical to the one that connects the Fountains dorms to the main campus. It has been planned for a while and will “replace the generic and possibly hazardous walkway with an elevated boardwalk,” as reported in a previous Spinnaker article.

Spinnaker asked the Ospreys on Instagram what they thought about the new bridge:
“It’s cool! Once the surrounding foliage grows back, it’ll be nice and shady,” a user responded.
“I wish they (UNF) would invest in covered walkways from the dorms to campus,” wrote another.
“If parking wasn’t so expensive, it wouldn’t be necessary,” one person answered.

Many students may be glad they don’t have to walk the long detour anymore, especially on the approaching hot summer days.
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