SG Senator Debate happening Tuesday amid uncontested election

Mallory Pace and Carter Mudgett

The UNF Student Government’s 2022 Fall Senator election is officially uncontested and while candidates are scheduled to debate Tuesday, the 19 students running for a seat in Senate will be elected without student’s say. 

Usually, students looking to join the Senate will compete against each other for their spot and the Senator Debate is there for just that. Potential senators can debate about pressing student concerns and answer questions from the public.

This year, however, although the Senator Debate is advertised as a debate on SG’s website, it will function as a town hall, Deputy Elections Commissioner Ali Sartawi told Spinnaker. 

The event will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 25 in the Student Union Ballrooms C and D at 6 p.m. 

Stay with Spinnaker as we cover the debate.


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