Religious group associated with claims of sex-trafficking found at UNF

Sam Chaney

Reports of a sex-trafficking religious group on college campuses have been popping up all over the country, and a member of the group has recently been spotted here at UNF.

The University of North Florida Police Department (UNFPD) was recently notified by a student that they were approached by a member of “God the Mother” in the Carpenter Library Starbucks.

Hannah Lee
A student posted in the UNF Class of 2020 page regarding the “God the Mother” group being on campus and approaching her.

“God the Mother” is allegedly a section of a non-denominational Christian church called the “World Mission Society Church of God.” However, upon researching “God the Mother,” several results show up that claim the organization is involved in sex-trafficking.

For this reason, there has been concern that their presence on college campuses is for far more sinister reasons than simply turning students to God.

According to UNFPD, officials have been unable to substantiate these claims.

“UPD can find no evidence that ‘God the Mother’ is involved with human trafficking,” UNFPD said in an Osprey Update. “However, the organization is often referred to as a cult.”

The Osprey Update states that members of the organization will approach students and invite them to “Bible Study.” They will then reportedly try to engage students in conversation and cite specific Biblical passages to further enforce their interpretation of the Bible.

As a result, UNFPD is encouraging students to use caution when interacting with strangers and to contact UNFPD if any suspicious activity is spotted.

UNFPD’s safety tips can be found here.

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