UNFPD releases campus crime statistics in Annual Security Report

Jessica May

Rape, domestic violence, assault and stalking are present on UNF campus, according to the Annual Security Report released by the UNFPD.

In an attempt to combat this, an online training module called “Think About It: Turning Points,” was created as a primary prevention program that addresses sexual misconduct and substance abuse. Students were required to take this course before they could register for classes in the summer and fall semesters of 2018.

Cases of reported rape jump from two in 2015 to nine in 2017. Fondling dropped from two in 2016 to zero in 2017. Reported domestic violence crimes on campus have not been present, but in 2017 there was one reported case. There was one reported case of stalking in 2017, but in 2015 there were two reported cases and one reported case in 2016. Aggravated assault has continuously stayed at two cases since 2015 through 2017.

It is important to note that these cases do not indicate total number of occurrences; rather, total numbers of cases that students actively reported.

Graph by Jessica May.

When it comes to statistics relating to substance abuse, UNFPD reportedly gave out 204 alcohol law referrals and 163 drug law referrals in 2017. Moreover, in 2017, there were 11 arrests made in regards to drug law.

“As a police officer for the last 36 years, I never think there is enough prevention training,” Chief of the University Police Department Francis Mackesy said of the program.

UNF also offers other resources to prevent dating and domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking at the Counseling Center, Women’s Center, Victim Advocacy Program, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity and Title IX administrator.

According to the Annual Security Report, “UNF is committed to providing a campus environment free from sexual violence. The crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking are prohibited.”

Graph by Jessica May.

The report also touches on risk reduction and student safety tips. These tips suggest that anyone who sees suspicious activity on campus is encouraged to contact UNFPD, lock doors and windows, let friends know where they are and who they’re with and to continue to educate themselves and be aware.

“I think it is critically important to provide services to the victims of these very serious crimes.  Unfortunately, it is my experience that most people do not become involved in crime prevention or victim’s services unless crime specifically touches them in some personal way,” Mackesy said. This prevention program ensures that all students are aware of the repercussions of domestic violence and ways to prevent it, even if it has never directly affected them.

As for other crimes present on campus, robbery rose by one case in 2017 to two cases. Burglary has dropped from five in 2015 to three in 2016 then to zero in 2017. There were two motor vehicle theft cases in 2015, five in 2016 and three in 2017.

Graph by Jessica May.

Since 2016, crime at the University has decreased going from 22 offenses to 18. UNFPD commits to the safety of their students, according to the security report.

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