Student Government creates legend of the “Great Seal”
December 5, 2018
Student Government took action in dusting off an old UNF legend in Senate on Friday, Nov. 30.
Legend has it that the gods chose to break Great Seal of the University of North Florida. Some say that it was Zeus himself who decided that the power of the Ospreys had grown too great and had to be stopped at any cost.
It was 2015. The once sleepy university was abuzz with the success of their very own “Birds of Trey.” The basketball team had the city riveted and had made it into the University’s first NCAA tournament. Possibly due to interference by the gods, the mighty Ospreys fell to the Colonials of Robert Morris.
However, the statement was already made. UNF was a force to be reckoned with.
Then, on that hot July day in 2015, a flash of lightning tore through the bright, sun-filled sky. The Great Seal, which proudly watched over the walkway from the Student Union to the Arena, was struck. The entire walkway, which had connected the parking garage to the Arena, collapsed and ultimately had to be removed.

Some will say that this “bolt of lightning” was a Waste Management truck whose driver forgot to lower his ramp and crashed into the walkway, damaging it beyond repair. Some mysteries may never be solved. (It was probably the truck.)
Since that day, the Great Seal had to be concealed to protect it from danger. It was thought to have been lost after the winds of 2016 and 2017. However, during the course of his work, Student Government Chief of Staff John Aloszka found it hidden away and brought it to the SG Rotunda for safekeeping.
Aloszka then decided that this Great Seal must be displayed proudly so that all UNF students shall be able to marvel at its splendor.
The Seal is said to bring great luck to those who touch it before a presentation or exam. On Friday, the UNF Senate decided to use the seal to bring a new tradition steeped in the history of our school to the students who will come after us.
“Hit the Seal”, set to take place in Spring 2019, will install the seal and a plaque outside of the Library. The plaque will give the true history of the seal. Senate approved a special transfer of just over $1,500 to install the plaque and give UNF a tradition for the future.
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