Martinez pleads guilty to all charges of video voyeurism, extortion
April 4, 2019
Former UNF student Jesse Martinez, 22, plead guilty Thursday morning to 17 count of video voyeurism, 1 count of extortion, and 1 count of unlawful use of a two-way communications device.

Martinez was arrested back in April 2018 when he was arrested for threatening to share explicit photos for sexual favors. After he was arrested, UNFPD found several videos on his computer showing hidden cameras in the men’s bathroom at the Thomas G. Carpenter Library and in a bathroom at the Fountains.
Martinez was also on probation for a previous charge of misuse a 2-way communication device in Alachua County when he arrested last year. Spinnaker found a complaint and arrest report from the University of Florida Police Department dating April 2017. According to the complaint, a UF student told police that Martinez threatened to expose sexually explicit text messages to the student’s family if he wouldn’t participate in a sexual act with Martinez. He was serving a three-year probation that would expire December 2020.
The sentencing for Martinez will be set on May 6.
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