Upheaval on the Third Floor: A timeline of the Mims presidency
October 10, 2017

The past few months have been a roller coaster of conflict within student government. A close election and a rocky start in the spring seems to have set the tone for the Mim’s presidency, which is now officially coming to a close. In the last two weeks, both Vice President Cole Poppell and President Samantha Mims have tendered their resignations. Here’s a look back at the ups and downs of the Mim’s presidency, starting with the most recent events:
Oct. 10
-The Forward Party issued a statement on Facebook, stating that they are “vehemently against the nomination of Gloria Turner to the position of Vice President.” The Forward Party’s contention is that Turner has only been in her position with SG for several weeks, and her relation to former Student Government President Joe Turner could create a conflict of interest.
Oct. 9
-Mims announces her resignation, citing a desire to focus on her “health and well-being.” Simultaneously, Mims nominated Gloria Turner as the acting VP, which will be official upon confirmation from the senate.
-Attorney General Jaclyn Glosson gives President Mims a choice between stepping down voluntarily, or potentially face an impeachment. In an email to SG staff, Glosson claimed Mims was “inattentive” and “negligent of her duties as President.”
Sept. 28
-Cole Poppell resigns as VP, saying that “it is time for me to move on to new opportunities.” His last day was Oct. 8.
July 24
-Senate confirms the appointment of five new senators; Christopher Jordan is confirmed as the new Treasurer.

July 10
-Adamson alleges corruption and a “toxic environment” during a hearing on his removal from the BAC Chair. Adamson reveals that Mason was fired from his position as Treasurer due to “unprofessionalism,” just prior to being confirmed on June 5.
June 26
-Shawn Adamson removed from his chair on the BAC for “unprofessionalism”; Nicholas Salter resigns after facing impeachment.
June 19
-Tension arose between Budget and Allocations (BAC) Chair Shawn Adamson and Mims due to changes made to several travel requests.
June 12
-Senator Nicholas Salter faces impeachment for excessive absences; hearing is suspended due to his failure to attend.
June 5
-Senate confirms Glosson as Attorney General and Stark as Student Advocate. Mason is removed from his position as Treasurer prior to being confirmed.
May 15
-Mims announces three new appointments to her executive cabinet: Jaclyn Glosson – Attorney General, Amelia Stark – Student Advocate, and Theodore Mason -Treasurer.
April 17
-Mims and Poppell are sworn in as Student Body President and Vice President, and Thomas Beaucham is sworn in as Senate President.
April 10
-Senate approves the appointment of 20 new senators, and validates the election results of Mims.
April 3
-Mims appoints Cole Poppell as her new Vice President after the disqualification of Johnson.
March 31
-Mims is found in violation again after claiming that a bill advocating for renovations to Hodges Stadium was a Red Party initiative.
March 29
-Vice President-elect Tajmaus Johnson is disqualified after being found guilty of violating the Code of Ethics by “emotionally abusing” then-President Isabella Genta.

March 9
-President-elect Mims is given a 10-day suspension for defaming the United Party.
March 8
-After a record-breaking turnout of 2478 students, Red Party candidates Samantha Mims and Tajmaus Johnson win against United Party candidates Rachel Bryant and Jesse Braughton by a margin of 189 votes.
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