Construction of new Lot 14 walkway will finish before summer ends
May 18, 2022
In the midst of the spring semester, many Osprey’s were thrown for a loop when the cement pathway leading to the main campus from Lot 14 was closed down. However, this was just to create a better path, which will be opening soon, according to University of North Florida (UNF) campus planning.

Parking has long been documented as an issue for many students, with many complaining about most available parking being located in the distant gray lots, not close enough to campus. One of these gray lots, Lot 14, is located west of the University.
Previously, students parking in Lot 14 would have to walk along an asphalt pathway cutting through the forest and linking up with the north-western side of campus between the Amphitheater and Petway Hall.
That was until a few months ago when the walkway was shut down, and parking in Lot 14 subsequently became impractical for many who would then be forced to walk a significantly larger path around the forest to get to campus.
This is an obstruction to be sure but is temporary. As confirmed last year by UNF Director of Campus Planning, Design & Construction Paul Stewart, this walkway has been planned for some time. The plan is to replace the generic and possibly hazardous walkway with an elevated boardwalk, which the master plan describes as “similar to the existing pathway from the Fountains.”
Construction of this new boardwalk proceeded throughout the rest of the spring semester and, at the time of writing, is still ongoing. Campus Planning gave the following statement:
“Installation of the boardwalk on the new walkway to Lot 14 is completed. Installation of the handrails is currently underway. Once completed, the boardwalk will offer a straight and more visible walkway to the campus core. We anticipate completion of the project no later than July 31, 2022.”
Clearly, the construction is almost completed and students will be able to use Lot 14 again when the fall semester begins.
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