UNF student behind racist video identified as Zack Morse
October 12, 2017

Spinnaker confirmed that the Snapchat account which posted the racially controversial video belongs to University of North Florida student Zack Morse. The ROTC on campus also confirmed he is a member of their organization.
Spinnaker interviewed two anonymous sources about the video.
According to the first anonymous source, Morse confirmed to them he shot the video that is now circulating on social media. The two males seen in the video have yet to be identified.
This source said Morse does not know how the video got to the “Black Lives Matter” Snapchat story from his account, and that the video was intended to be an “insider joke” between friends only. This was later reiterated by the second anonymous source.
Morse told the first source that he was receiving thousands of messages on his Facebook account Wednesday and has since closed that account. They described Morse as “panicky” after receiving death threats, and indicated that Morse was sorry for the video.
A second source, one of Morse’s friends, spoke with Spinnaker and also wished to remain anonymous.
“These kids are good kids, they’re not assholes. They’re not out hurting people or stealing or being mean to people,” said Morse’s friend. “They’re genuine kids. This whole situation is being blown completely out of proportion.”
They claimed the video was made the day before the BLM rally. The source claimed that the two individuals shown in the video were unaware of what the caption would be.

“This is not racism,” the second source said. “This is not systematic racism. This is not reflective of the country or UNF. This is just an incident that people are blowing up for no reason. What it’s going to do is going to hurt those kids.”
They also said the caption, which read “What actually went on at the BML [sic] rally“ was added after the video was shared.
“If some black kids were making fun of some white kids, I’m not going to make a big deal out of it,” they said. “I’m not going to try and ruin those kids’ lives.”
Spinnaker reached out to Morse for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.
Lisa • Mar 14, 2018 at 6:14 pm
How unfair is it to label someone guilty and racist without even knowing them. This video didn’t even reference BLM – and I bet he wasn’t the one that put it on the BLM web page. Seems to me like someone set him up. No one should judge anyone else unless they know all the details. Shame on whoever did this to these kids. I know what the BML reference was referring to because I happened to know them. They are good kids and they are not racist.
Tatum Pittman • Nov 1, 2017 at 10:03 am
I’ll be applying to UNF next year and this gave me real pause. What is especially outrageous is the concern for the racists’ futures – their lives shouldn’t be ruined because their racist tendencies were outed?? What about the POC who had to witness this disgusting video? And it’s being blown out of proportion “for no reason??” Uh, yeah, there IS a reason – it’s called awareness. People are their true selves when they think no one is watching. This kid should’ve been expelled. Inside joke…how nice.
UNF Grad • Oct 13, 2017 at 4:46 pm
Yeah people should be shamed for being a racist POS. Say whatever you want, it doesn’t change the fact that your “friend” thinks of black people as no better than an animal. He claims it’s a misunderstanding that will all come out in a few days. If it was truly a misunderstanding he’d have a reason now and wouldn’t need the weekend to think of an excuse that make’s him look like he’s not just another asshole. I think UNF is a wonderful school and it’s a shame people like you and your friends are bringing such negative attention to it.
Dimitri • Oct 13, 2017 at 4:32 pm
It’s ok to degrade a group behind closed doors. It is now called an inside joke. And these kids are good because they do not go out there to rob, or hurt people? Your true self is when no one is watching. Zack is either racist or dumb for recording their “inside” joke. I give him the benefit of the doubt: he is dumb for recording their inside joke.
Goy Who Knows • Oct 12, 2017 at 7:34 pm
The anonymous source’s first mistake was to give any charity to social justice advocates. The intent is to ruin lives, and to shame.