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UNF's #1 Student-Run News Source

UNF Spinnaker

UNF's #1 Student-Run News Source

UNF Spinnaker

All content by Blake Middleton

Silly app Yik Yak causes serious commotion at UNF

Blake Middleton October 7, 2014
The app Yik Yak has a growing popularity on UNF campus with its comments viewable within a 1.5-mile radius. With 26,542 active monthly users in the UNF area, the anonymous platform raises concerns about bullying, racism and improper conduct.

Parking Services oversells 457 Blue permits

Blake Middleton October 3, 2014
UNF oversold Blue parking permits for two reasons: not factoring in having one less lot for Blue parking, and overselling Blue permits to faculty and staff. Starting Monday, Oct. 6, Blue permit holders can exchange their parking pass for a Gray permit and a refund.

UNF professor appointed to Board of Governors, plans to represent students

Blake Middleton October 3, 2014
As the chair of the Advisory Council of Faculty Senates, UNF associate professor Dr. Katherine Robinson was recently appointed to serve as a member on the Florida Board of Governors.

Students dissect to understand sea turtles

Blake Middleton September 25, 2014
Thursday, Sept. 25, students were given a chance to watch a UNF alumnus perform necropsies on different species of sea turtles. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission partnered with UNF to educate students in UNF's necropsy lab, which opened on March 2012.

John Morgan pleads for student votes on Amendment 2

Blake Middleton September 19, 2014
This past Wednesday, Sept. 17, John Morgan came to UNF to encourage students to vote "yes" on the legalization of medical marijuana. He emphasized the importance of student voters for Amendment 2 on the Nov. 4 ballot.

Professors swapped without warning

Blake Middleton September 17, 2014
This fall several students found that the professor teaching their class was not the one originally listed when registration took place, and the university did not notify students when the change occurred. The university currently does not have a policy that requires departments to inform students about instructor changes.

Funny business with the Board of Trustees

Blake Middleton September 12, 2014
At the Board of Trustees retreat, which held a lighthearted tone with jokes made by President Delaney and others, members were divided into groups and tasked with presenting their top priorities for the university to the other members.

UNF faculty and staff face parking shortage

Blake Middleton September 4, 2014
Students aren't alone in their daily, and often fruitless, hunt for parking near campus; professors have problems getting to class on time since many of them couldn't get faculty/staff permits this year.

Fall semester kicks off with parking shortage

Blake Middleton August 27, 2014
With parking being especially tricky due to spots lost to the construction of a new garage, Parking Services will issue warnings instead of tickets until Sept. 2 for cars without correct permits.

Off-campus faith-based student housing coming fall 2015

Blake Middleton August 26, 2014
UNF President John Delaney helped break ground for a new faith-based dorm being privately built off campus by the Town Center.

UNF student injured in motorcycle crash over weekend

Blake Middleton April 17, 2014
Freshman and ΚΣ member Matt Loveland is currently in the hospital after a motorcycle crash this weekend.

Osprey Fountains partly closed for summer, freshmen to live in the Cove

Blake Middleton April 10, 2014

[nicevideo link= ""] Freshmen will live in the Cove instead of the Fountains this summer because a large portion of the Fountains will be closed for maintenance. Bob...

Students host Art Fest to show what department offers

Blake Middleton April 7, 2014
Art fest this weekend was student-run and featured iron pouring, t-shirt printing and workshops to teach different artistic techniques.

Divest UNF pushes Board of Trustees to assess investment policy

Blake Middleton April 4, 2014
The Board of Trustees will re-examine their investment policy after a different entity already applied a neutral policy.

Student parents face limited options after CDRC budget slashed

Blake Middleton March 28, 2014
Drastic cuts to funding for the Child Development and Research Center mean less options for student parents and less student jobs on campus.

Board discusses downsides of performance-based funding and makes recommendations to keep students at UNF

Blake Middleton March 25, 2014

Learning commons area and math emporium could be added to library UNF Foundation Treasurer Shari Shuman said UNF received an additional  $2 million for performance funding from the state. She said,...

Pocket park landscaping delayed

Blake Middleton March 18, 2014
Set to be completed Dec. 15, the pocket park is open but bare, and will be furnished with benches and landscaping in April.

More construction between buildings 14 and 15

Blake Middleton March 18, 2014
The underground hot and chilled water pipe between Buildings 14 and 15 is being replaced because it is 35 years old and there was a leak in one of the hot water pipes just after winter break.

UNF negotiating buying The Flats

Blake Middleton March 10, 2014
University President John Delaney said John Rood, owner of The Flats at Kernan, is cautiously looking into selling The Flats to UNF.

Wi-Fi on campus slowed by heavy use

Blake Middleton March 7, 2014
Recent Wi-Fi issues stem from a sheer increase in volume of electronic devices in use on campus.

Students demand better funding for higher education

Blake Middleton February 27, 2014
Congregating in the Peace Plaza, they demanded $9 million for building renovations, as well as immediate in-state tuition for veterans and the children of undocumented immigrants.

Event to be held to unveil list of UNF traditions

Blake Middleton February 19, 2014
A list of UNF traditions will be unveiled at an event tomorrow. Read about it here...

New VP hired to oversee Development and Alumni Affairs, and UNF Foundation

Blake Middleton February 13, 2014
Joshua Merchant is the new Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs and Executive Director of the UNF Foundation.

Student fees increased, not to the limit

Blake Middleton February 11, 2014
Students face an additional $1.09 per credit hour fee increase for the 2014-15 school year. The increase cap was $1.56.

Duval county under Winter Storm Advisory, UNF monitoring changes

Blake Middleton January 29, 2014
With campuses closing left and left, UNF is monitoring changes in weather in case the president needs to close campus.

Campus to be smoke-free next fall

Blake Middleton November 20, 2013
UNF is to be smoke free by next Aug. 25, and compliance is voluntary.

Waves for December 2013

Blake Middleton November 19, 2013
Find out what happening around Jacksonville during December.

Third floors being added to build up core campus

Blake Middleton November 15, 2013
Construction on Buildings 3 and 4 to add another floor will start in July or August 2014 and will last for 12 to 13 months, said Zak Ovadia, director of campus planning.

Pocket park under construction

Blake Middleton October 24, 2013
Construction next to building 14 to build a pocket park should be completed Dec. 15.

New imitation hardwood floors at the Cove

Blake Middleton August 30, 2013
Over the summer, new flooring was installed in the Osprey Cove because the old carpet needed to be replaced. The new flooring appears at first glance to be hardwood, but is actually luxury vinyl tile.

So, what’s your story? UNF’s Interfaith Center Director shares about the journey that brought her to her current position

Blake Middleton November 29, 2012

The Director of UNF’s Interfaith Center Tarah Trueblood plays a vital role in planning and overseeing all of the events and programs that the center has to offer. Trueblood said she has three...

Hodges Stadium to host 2014 NCAA track, field Division I regionals

Blake Middleton November 2, 2012
Hodges Stadium, which has also hosted the A-Sun Track and Field Championships since 2009, will hold the NCAA Regional for the second time in school history. The venue held the 2012 regionals in May.
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